Sharjah International Book Fair
The book fair was an exciting field trip, there was many
books from many parts of the world.
the problem is, the book prices have rise due to increase in renting of stalls and shipping and staying at hotels. They just want to keep a small profit which comes from the book.
-Yohan John
World Teachers Day
We had a lot of fun in World Teachers Day held on 2nd October 2014 especially students becoming teachers. We even had an assembly on the first and the last period. Some students find it hard to teach which concludes the struggle for the teacher. We even benefited from it so much that we wished we become teachers everyday.
-Akram Aroos
Islamic Affairs Assembly
This assembly was taken on 14/10/14 and it features a
teacher of Islamic directly from GEMS Wellington School, Head of Islamic. She
was teaching a lot of things including on how to be a better person in Islam.
She even persuaded us with examples from her own life. She spoke about Hajj and
what benefits we got from it. We have benefited a lot from it. Thanks to the
organizer; the head of Islamic, The Westminster School, we even realized a lot
of things we need to achieve in life.
-Akram Aroos
-Akram Aroos
The Sports Day
The sports
day was very challenging and quiet interesting to be in. we had to do about
olden days teaching and modern days was a tough day to go about on
but we finished it and then. Mr. Kingston announced the winners.
-Anslem and
Cleaning Camp
It was an memorable day for us as we are joined together to clean the desert for the sake of the UAE. We had lots of fun and such a good time. But the toughest part is that we had to spend 2 hours in the sun to clean. But anyways, it was really good.
-Joshua Isaac
The Sports Day
Oh the sports day it was amazing as we had so much fun. At
first we started off with a wonderful march past then we had each house to
display their floats and dances which were pretty cool and then we had started
with the 100 meters running, which was awesome, and was followed by other races
as well. Even there was football and basketball and volleyball matches of
finals of corresponding grades. This effort was rewarded by an exhibition football
match between parents and students which was won by parents 3-2. And then, at
the end, we had finished with a wonderful ending of a march past which was open
to everyone unlike the march past at the morning. Finally, the prizes was given
out the house the came first in the march past was GAMMA ; congrats gamma and
the house that made the best float was also GAMMA but then the best house of
the day was BETA; congrats beta!! And
the runner ups are ALPHA; congrats alpha. And at third place came GAMMA;
congrats gamma and at last comes SIGMA; congrats to sigma but at the end of the
day it was a fun and awesome day : D
- Thenula Fernando
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